Dream High
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result SEM 1... errmmm aku punye POINTER ke tuh?
Saturday 26 November 2011 ★ 4:32 pm │ (0) angels

dari ape yg korg tawu... syu blaja kat KPTM BANGI...
n syu pon dah mula cuti sem... perghh!! da macam dak skular dah... cuti same dorg.. hahaha
hah... atas tuh.... result fo sem 1..... xcually.... syu terkejut.... ingat kan lepas-2 pointer mara jek kan... tapi... hadoi.... dapat 3 pointer above.... sampai double check....
mama pon xcited tgok result syu...
bile bukak jek CMS tuh... mama terus peluk... hehehe....
tp ayah... tak gembira pon aku dpt 3 pointer above...
kecik hati kot...
n syu dapat tahniah dri seseorg yg bermakne..

hehehe my berry:)
thanx sayang.... 
becoz of u baby dapat 3 pointer above!
n he promise me that wanna give me something!!!
hahaha pade mula nya dye ckp kat syu.."sayang... law sayang dapat 3 pointer jek b bg syg hadiah ..."
syu lak jwb " 3 pointer?? fuhh... mmg tak lah sampai 3 pointer kan? bby ta pandai mcm b lah... "
n then he support me" sayang..b taw sayang boleh... k? blaja k "

ingat lagi dye ckp time nak mula paper..!
thanx syg...muahhx

Pieces Of Me
meet the big beauty boss

I am and this is my blog, it's mine. In this very little space from the World Wide Web, this could be the only place where i tell u guys about my stories a little bit myself, i already 9teen and i was studying in KOLEJ POLY-TECH MARA BANGI,SELANGOR.i have facebook kalau korg nak add (except me).Alright, you've got it.okay? bye byee! You may click links and contact to befriend with me.Thanks !
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the great escapes to a beautiful land

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Blogskin nurul ain
Layout (c) sweet.m!sery
Re-edited by nurul ain
Icons from reviviscent
Resources: sea shells
result SEM 1... errmmm aku punye POINTER ke tuh?
Saturday 26 November 2011 ★ 4:32 pm │ (0) angels

dari ape yg korg tawu... syu blaja kat KPTM BANGI...
n syu pon dah mula cuti sem... perghh!! da macam dak skular dah... cuti same dorg.. hahaha
hah... atas tuh.... result fo sem 1..... xcually.... syu terkejut.... ingat kan lepas-2 pointer mara jek kan... tapi... hadoi.... dapat 3 pointer above.... sampai double check....
mama pon xcited tgok result syu...
bile bukak jek CMS tuh... mama terus peluk... hehehe....
tp ayah... tak gembira pon aku dpt 3 pointer above...
kecik hati kot...
n syu dapat tahniah dri seseorg yg bermakne..

hehehe my berry:)
thanx sayang.... 
becoz of u baby dapat 3 pointer above!
n he promise me that wanna give me something!!!
hahaha pade mula nya dye ckp kat syu.."sayang... law sayang dapat 3 pointer jek b bg syg hadiah ..."
syu lak jwb " 3 pointer?? fuhh... mmg tak lah sampai 3 pointer kan? bby ta pandai mcm b lah... "
n then he support me" sayang..b taw sayang boleh... k? blaja k "

ingat lagi dye ckp time nak mula paper..!
thanx syg...muahhx
